




1 Payment of USD 2,946 (HKD 23,125) 6 Payments of USD 591 (HKD 4,638)

在個人層面上, 你將體驗強大的潛意識清理和重生瑜珈練習 (rebirthing kriya), 以療癒你的產前創傷, 並獲得你作為女性、老師和母親這使命的靈性啟發。

在社會層面上,你會學會在身體、情感和精神上支持自己或其他女性成為母親的過程中所需的技能。在身體支援模塊中,你將學習針對產前和產後過程的瑜伽姿勢、呼吸和冥想。 在情緒支援模塊中,你將學習到真言和其他安撫情緒的方手,以支持女性度過懷孕和成為新手母親這轉變的喜悅和挑戰。


這個為期12 個週末改變生命的課程,將會在網上展開,提供非凡的啟發和鼓勵,來豐富你的線上培訓。


心理教育認證: 這部分會將為尋求知識、工具和信息的女性提供教育和資訊,讓她們更好地理解、應對和支持自己和他人在孕前、受孕、懷孕和產後的歷程。 除了課程所提供的知識和資源之外,在賦同理心和互相支持的課程體驗下,學生解決問題和溝通技巧的能力也有所提高。

瑜伽教師培訓認證:這部分包括心理教育認證及完成實習要求。 選擇獲得此認證的學生,需通過在課程的最後一個週末教授瑜伽課(實習)來展示他們的知識。


1 Payment of USD 2,946 (HKD 23,125) 6 Payments of USD 591 (HKD 4,638)

"我永遠不會忘記與 Sat Siri 和 Sada 博士的這次培訓。我盲目地進去了,不知道會發生什麼,也不知道我出來後會變成一個不同的女人。從這些女性和我的同學那裡學習,讓我完全開闊了眼界,看到了我們社會的需求:更深的慈愛、獲得教育的機會以及與我們自己的直覺和力量的更大連結。通過他們創造的這種充滿愛和安全的環境,我們作為學生能夠在一個平台上學習和教學。我從未在一群有不同生活的女性身上分享或看到如此多的眼淚、歡笑和寶貴經歷。學習如何更好地服務和彼此相愛,同時與全球各地的姐妹建立聯繫,這是我將永遠銘記在心的經歷。”"

Katie Pauls

"成為一個美麗的女性圈的一員,互相照顧,互相保護,通過互相傾聽彼此相愛,成為可以互相談論分娩並了解成為母親和懷孕之美的女性,真是令人耳目一新。這絕對不僅僅是一堂產前瑜伽課,它是一個紀念場所,也是初學者分享這些知識的地方,通過服務、教學和分享我們正在學習的孕育瑜伽來幫助其他美麗的女性。 美麗,美麗。就是美麗!"

Paola Martinez

"能夠加入這個班級是一份祝福。它為我提供了一個安全、充滿愛、支持的空間來談論我自己的經歷。它給我帶來如此多的療癒。我沒有意識到我在醫院時多麼的孤獨和無助。 由於 COVID-19 的爆發,我與剛出生的嬰兒獨自在醫院。當時我什至不知道如何換尿布,護士太忙無法提供幫助。但是在課堂上我們了解到一切都很好,有不懂的地方也沒關係。尋求幫助是可以的。它是令我找回力量。我得到了我需要的所有支持。我喜歡 Sat Siri 和 Sada 博士的教學!💗"

Agnes Lee

Dr. Sada Simran 博士

Dr. Sada Simran 博士是一名臨床心理學家,擁有 IKYTA 認證的昆達里尼教師、Conscious Pregnancy & Khalsa Way 認證的產前和產後教師、Sat Nam Rasayan® 諮詢師和亦是一名陪產師。

她對覺知受孕、懷孕和成為母親的知識深度有着跨越了二十年的個人、學術和瑜伽方面的經驗。 她非常擅長通過懷孕、分娩所產生的巨大身體、情感和精神變化給予鼓勵,讓她們給找回力量。 她是女性的路標,讓她們在這個過渡、成長和深刻的開端時期發現自己內心的安全感、支持和熱情,從而讓她們快樂地迎接自己的孩子來到這個世界。

Sat Siri

Sat Siri是一位劃時代的昆達里尼瑜伽老師及培訓師。她周遊列國教授昆達里尼瑜伽。她練習瑜伽和冥想已有 20 多年並教授昆達里尼瑜伽長達14 年。在遇到昆達里尼瑜伽之前,她練習了艾揚格瑜伽、內觀冥想和許多其他的靈修工具。

Women's Wisdom: Prenatal & Postnatal Education

With optional Yoga Teacher Training Certification

October 2023 - April 2024

This powerful program is a journey of feminine empowerment surrounding our most basic and unique contribution to the future of our species: birth. This course is a call to all women who care deeply about birthing sacredly, the birthing of ourselves and of our children. For a woman to birth consciously, fully aware of her choices, her voice and her own power is a revolution, and a healing to all women everywhere, past present and future.

1 Payment of USD 2,946 (HKD 23,125) 6 Payments of USD 591 (HKD 4,638)

On a personal level, you will experience powerful subconscious clearing and rebirthing kriyas to heal your personal prenatal trauma and gain spiritual insight about your destiny as a woman, a teacher and a mother.

On a community level, you will develop the skills to support yourself and other women physically, emotionally and spiritually on their journey to motherhood. In the physical support module you will learn yoga postures, breathwork, and meditations specific for pre and postnatal experiences. In the emotional support module, you will learn mantras and other comfort measures to support women through the joys and challenges of pregnancy and early motherhood.

As we honor pregnancy as the beginning of another phase of a woman’s spiritual journey, in the spiritual support module, you will learn the art of a space holder for women’s opportunity during pregnancy to come to know all essential prerequisites for mothering that is her intuition, her wisdom, her strength, her connection to all women and her connection to her own divine nature.


This life-changing course convenes virtually over multiple weekends and offers a phenomenal online component of inspiration and encouragement to supplement your training.

At the conclusion of this powerful and empowering course, you will be prepared to support yourself and other women through the stages of preconception, pregnancy, birth and early parenting. Certification to facilitate pre and postnatal yoga classes is available to students who fulfill the requirements of the training.

Be part of both the education and celebration as we explore the joys and challenges of this sacred incarnation of being a woman.

There are two tracks on this program: Psycho-education Certification and Yoga Teacher Certification.

The psycho-education certification track. This track offers education and information to women seeking knowledge, tools and information to better understand, cope and support themselves and others on the journey through preconception, conception, pregnancy and the post-partum experience. Beyond the education and resources provided on this course, students experience improved problem-solving and communication skills due to the empathetic and supportive course experience.

The Yoga Teacher Training Certification Track includes the teachings of the Psycho-education Certification Track plus a practicum requirement. Students opting for this track demonstrate their knowledge by teaching a yoga class (practicum) on the final weekend of the course.

Psycho-education track students are asked to attend the practicums as students to support each other's growth and development as we work together to share the information offered in this course to the world.

Sign up today to discover how we can support each other to trust our instincts, find our truth, speak our truth, trust our bodies, grow our innate knowingness, and build community for greater inspiration and encouragement in our day-to-day living.

1 Payment of USD 2,946 (HKD 23,125) 6 Payments of USD 591 (HKD 4,638)

"I will never forget this training with Sat Siri and Dr. Sada. I went in blindly, not knowing what to expect or that I would come out a changed woman. Learning from these women and my fellow students completely opened my eyes to what our community needs: deeper compassion, access to education, and a greater connection to our own intuition and empowerment. Through this loving and safe environment they created, we as students were able to both learn and teach in one platform. I’ve never shared nor seen so many tears, laughs and lessons in one group of women with such diverse walks of life. Learning how to better serve and love one another all while connecting with sisters across the globe is an experience I will forever hold dear to my heart."

Katie Pauls
Prenatal Student 2020

"It was deeply refreshing, to be part of a beautiful community of women, looking out for each other, protecting each other, loving each other by listening to each other and just being women who can talk amongst themselves of childbirth and learn the beauty of motherhood and pregnancy. It definitely is more than a prenatal yoga class, it is a place of remembrance and being part of the beginners to share this knowledge and help other beautiful women through service, teaching and sharing what we're learning of prenatal yoga. Beautiful, beautiful. Just beautiful!"

Paola Martinez
Prenatal Student 2020

"It was a blessing to be able to join this class. It provided me a safe, loving, supportive space to talk about my own experience. It brought me so much healing. I didn't realize how lonely and helpless I was in the hospital with my newborn baby isolated due the outbreak of COVID-19. I didn’t even know how to change a diaper at that time and nurses were too busy to help. But in the class we learned t is all okay, it is okay to not know. It is ok to ask for help. It is so empowering. I have all the support I need. I love the teaching of Sat Siri and Dr. Sada! 💗"

Agnes Lee
Prenatal Student 2020

Dr. Sada Simran

Dr. Sada Simran is a Clinical Psychologist with IKYTA certification as Kundalini teacher, Conscious Pregnancy & Khalsa Way certified prenatal and postnatal teacher, Sat Nam Rasayan® practitioner, and birth doula.

The depth of her knowledge of conscious conception, pregnancy and motherhood spans two decades of personal, academic and yogic experience. She is profoundly skilled at empowering women through the enormous physical, emotional and spiritual changes that occur during pregnancy, labor & delivery. She is a guidepost for women to discover a sense of safety, support and enthusiasm within themselves during this time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings so they welcome their babies into the world in joy.

Sat Siri

Sat Siri is a trailblazing, next generation, Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer. She travels the world teaching Kundalini Yoga in places like Bali, Maui, Mexico and India. She has been practicing Yoga and Meditation for over twenty years and teaching Kundalini Yoga for fifteen. She practiced Iyengar Yoga, Vipassna Meditation, and many other modalities before finding Kundalini Yoga.


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